Key Partners

Another outstanding initiative by the
South Africa Department of Science and Technology and infoDev


Creating a prosperous society from science and technology, through our values of: professionalism, competence, integrity and transparency.

Info Dev

infoDev is a global partnership program in the World Bank Group. Its mission is to enable innovative entrepreneurship for sustainable, inclusive growth and employment in developing countries. It does so by working with numerous partners in the private sector, governments, academia, foundations and civil society.

Eastern Cape Department of economic development

Mandated to spearhead growth and development of the province’s economy and improve the lives of all its citizens. Their goal is to build a province where all of its citizens can share the benefits of sound economic growth and sustainable development.

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland promotes the security and welfare of Finland and the Finns. It strives to attain a secure and fair world. Through its development policy, Finland supports the sustainable development of Africa, with knowledge, innovation and entrepreneurship as key pillars.

Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency

Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida): The overall target of Sweden’s development assistance is to ensure that those in poverty have the ability to improve their living conditions. Swedish development aid follows three thematic priorities: democracy and human rights, environment and climate change, and gender equality and womens' role.

The European Union

The European Union (EU): is a unique economic and political partnership between 27 (from 1 July 2013, 28) European countries that has delivered half a century of peace, stability and prosperity, helped raise living standards, launched a single European currency, and is progressively building a single Europe-wide market in which people, goods, services and capital move among Member States as freely as within a country. The EU's Europe 2020 strategy and its "flagship" initiatives focus on investments in education, research and innovation as the key to achieving smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. The Innovation Union flagship in particular is about creating a vibrant, innovation-based economy fuelled by ideas and creativity, capable of linking into global value chains, seizing opportunities, capturing new markets and creating high-quality jobs.

Contact Details

Event Information:

Registration Enquiries:

Flight and Hotel Bookings:
Heila Ives -


Visit our 4th Global Forum on Innovation & Technology Entrepreneurship
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The Venue

Marine Park Complex, 22 Esplanade, Beachfront, East London

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Another great initiative brought to you by:

Department of Science and TechnologyInfodevWorld Bank

And supported by:

Swedish International Development Cooperation Agencythe Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland Eastern Cape Province NOKIA